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Showing posts with the label Python

Python Program To Find Final Fee Based On Scholarship Of Mumbai University To Each Student | Python Programming Practice

If you want python program to find final fee based on scholarship of Mumbai university to each student by accepting branch of study and score then you are at right place. As python is the future of the technology, we all want to become a master in this programming language. Let’s start the python programming practice . Here we are going to tell how you can write a simple program which finds final fee of each student by accepting branch of study and score. We will accept the branch of study, score and course fee as inputs for each student and by considering scholarship of Mumbai university we calculate the final fees to be paid by each student based on formulae given in the question. You will gain the concept of input / output statement and practice the control statements .   Example: Enter the number of students: 4   For student 1: Enter the branch of study: Arts Enter the score: 49 Enter the course fee: 10000 Scholarship% = 5 Final Fee =...

Python Program To Check Palindrome Number

If you want python program to check palindrome number then you are at right place. As python is the future of the technology, we all want to become a master in this programming language. Let’s start with the basic. Here we are going to tell how you can write a simple program which checks whether a given number is a palindrome or not. It is quite simple using reverse function of python but here, we will have a given number and our goal is to find out the palindrome number by doing some calculation (without using reverse function). You will gain the concept of input / output statement and practice the control statements .   Example: Input: Enter a number: 1331   Output: Number is palindrome   Input: Enter a number: 78900987   Output: Number is palindrome   Task: For given Pseudo-Code Magnets arrange it in correct order and complete   Pseudo-code Magnets: Number=Number%10 Remainder...

Python Program To Find The Maximum Among Three Given Numbers.

If you want python program to find the maximum among three given numbers then you are at right place. As python is the future of the technology, we all want to become a master in this programming language. Let’s start with the basic. Here we are going to tell how you can write a simple program which finds the maximum among three numbers. We will have three number (assume that the three numbers are always different) and our goal is to find out the maximum number among those three numbers.   Example: Input: a, b, c, = 1, 9, 3   Output: 9   Input: a, b, c, = 25, 96, 300   Output: 300   Task: For given Pseudo-Code Magnets arrange it in correct order and complete   Pseudo-Code Magnets: input Number1, Number2, Number3 if (Number1 > Number3) then display "Num1 is the largest" if (Number1 >Number2) then end-if else if (Number2 < Number3) then display "Num2 is the large...